sebina, you, services, library, user


Useful information

The CIHEAM Bari library is specialized in Land and water resources management, Integrated pest management of Mediterranean fruit crops, Mediterranean organic agriculture, Sustainable agriculture, food and rural development and it aims to:

  • ensure consultation and access to its documentary resources for CIHEAM Bari staff, students and external researchers
  • update its OPAC (On Line Public Access Catalogue) on the CIHEAM Bari web site and manage the Intranet documentary section.

It is in charge of:

  • acquiring, cataloguing and keeping new paper and electronic publications updating documentary material with a focused buying policy
  • offering services to users according to their specific skills.



The CIHEAM Bari library allows all users access to the documentary information, directly via the catalogues or by asking the library staff.


The library updates its own collections and also collaborates with:

  • Students regularly logged in can propose the acquisition of documentary material useful for their study course to their tutor or supervisor, who will validate the purchase.
  • The Institute personnel, lecturers, researchers and consultants can directly forward their request to the Documentation centre staff.



People allowed to ask for a bibliographic search

Whoever needs to do research for study, thesis writing, updated or retrospective bibliographic searches, can use the bibliographic advice service and assistance in consulting catalogues as well as research on local or remote database available at the library simply by asking the authorized staff.

How to ask for a bibliographic search

  • Go to the library during opening hours
  • Call or send an e-mail to
    - Giuseppe Inchingolo - 080 4606267 -
    - Wanda Occhialini - 080 4606266 -
  • Requests will be satisfied in the shortest time. For paper documents we require a reimbursement for re-production and delivery fees. These fees will not be charged to other libraries or research centres. The library is in ACNP, the Italian catalogue of journals, and NILDE, a document delivery service.


At the beginning of every academic year, a series of courses is organized for first year and master students; the courses last from 2 to 5 days and the purpose is to present the library and its local and remote document resources. Courses are held by Giuseppe Inchingolo for first year students and by Wanda Occhialini for second year students (Master).

Courses tutors contact the library staff and organize the activities calendar which is tailored to the four institutional courses: irrigated agriculture, plant protection, organic agriculture and sustainable agriculture. At the end of the course, students do a final exam and are still followed during the entire academic year in writing their thesis and report bibliography.

Participants meetings can be organized on demand for short courses.


Internal lending

Lending is authorized for students regularly enrolled on the courses (the educational office provides the library with a student list at the beginning of every academic year) and for the Institute personnel.

The lending application is requested by the user presenting the ID card from the Educational Office or any other personal ID document.

Lending is suspended during the second and third week of August.

1st year students can borrow no more than 3 volumes per time. Every single book must be returned to the library within 15 days from the first lending day. Lending can be renewed for another 15 days unless the same book has been meanwhile requested by an other user. Lending to first year students ends with books to be returned by June 30th of the academic year.

Master students can borrow documents for a period longer than 15 days on request of their supervisor to the library staff. Lending is valid until one week before the thesis discussion.

The Institute personnel is authorized to borrow documents from the library without restrictions but is obliged to return them if requested by another user or for service needs (inventory).

External lending

Documentary material can be lent to an external authorized user if authorized by the library director, Luigi Sisto (080 4606265 –

Interlibrary lending

The library offers its users the interlibrary lending service. The request must be forwarded to the library staff. Rates can change according to the document's origins (CIHEAM Bari library pole, national route, British Library, etc.). If document mailing is requested, a reimbursement of expenses will be demanded.

Personal data treatment of library users, acquired by the Sebina/Produx bibliographic management programme, ensures privacy protection according to Law 675 of December 31st 1996. Personal data, course title and office are uploaded onto the programme. Data are not transmitted to others.


The service is free and is based on mutual exchange. Documents are currently sent via mail or fax, except for documents already available in electronic format which can be sent via email. Hard or digital copies are sent for study purposes and the use is strictly personal. The user will only keep a hard copy of the received document and must cancel the electronic copy (Italian Law N. 633 /1941 and further amendments and integrations).

Document delivery is suspended for the entire month of August.


Photocopy reproduction is allowed according to the current copyright law. Photocopies can be done using the photocopy machine inside the library. The library declines all responsibility for breach of the law on photo reproduction (Italian Law N. 633 /1941 and further amendments and integrations). Other kinds of reproduction (scanner, camera, etc.) should be agreed in advance with the library staff.


Users who do not return books within the determined term receive a notice from the library director and in the case of no return, loss or damage, cannot borrow any more and will repay the entire cost of the book. Duplication of books, floppy disks, VHS, CD-Rom, DVD etc. is subject to the current copyright and Italian reproduction laws, therefore the users are personally responsible for all cases in which they copy items by themselves.

Internet cannot be used for other aims than education or for purposes prohibited by current legislation. Responsibility is also extended to the infringement of protected access, copyright and licenced use.

It is forbidden to carry out operations that can compromise the network regular functioning, such as removal or damage to the library software and hardware configurations.

Users should behave ethically.

In the Documentation Centre it is absolutely forbidden to smoke.