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Effet de l'irrigation par alternance d'eau usee epuree et eau de puits fertilisee sur une culture de courgette : reponses agronomiques et physiologiques / Fatima El Yusfi ; sup. R. Choukrallah, A. Hamdy. . Tesi datt

El Yusfi, Fatima

Tesi o dissertazioni 2004


Four irrigation treatments were adopted: T1 (control) treated wastewater was used at all growth stages. The fertilised well water was introduced at different growth stages for the other treatments: T2 at the second growth stage from the first flowering until the first harvesting, T3 at the third growth stage from the first harvesting to the 12th harvesting and the T4 at the second and third Zucchini growth stages. Higher yield is obtained for the treatment receiving the good quality water at the third growth stage (T4 e T3), the increase in yield was respectively 27,5 and 37% compared to the control treatment. All treatments showed a decrease in nitrogen content of the soil; a decrease in phosphorus and potassium content was observed for the treatments T2 and T4. Treatment T2 presents the lowest nitrate content in drainage water, equal to 95 mg/l.
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Exemplaire 6423
Cote M.Sc. 358 2004

Document à consulter sur place uniquement

Exemplaire 6424
Cote M.Sc. 358 2004

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Exemplaire 6425
Cote ARCH M.Sc. 358 2004