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Evaluation of treated domestic wastewater reuse for agriculture using artificial intelligence methods

Koksal, Daniyal Durmus

Ressource électronique 2020


Estimation of treated wastewater quality is a non-linear problem and cannot be solved statistically. In this respect, it is of great importance to create a new method for predicting treated wastewater quality and usability rate. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the suitability of machine learning modelling as a valid input-output tool to predict some outlet parameters in Kırklareli Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant (K-WWTP), Thrace Region of Turkey, where water scarcity is an important issue. Accordingly, several machine-learning techniques were tested to assess the usability of wastewater quality for irrigation in the case study area. [...]
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Biblioteca CIHEAM Bari

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Cote M.Sc. 948 2020