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Assessing the impact of climate change on water productivity in the Mediterranean agriculture

Saadi, Sameh

Tesi Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo <Bari> 2012


The main objective of this study was to assess the potential impacts of climate change on water productivity (WP) in the Mediterranean region considering different water inputs. Climate data were derived from the ENSEMBLES RCM simulations for the present (1991-2010) and the future situation (2036-2065) under the SRES scenario A1B. Expected changes of crop water requirements (CWR), net irrigation requirements (NIR), relative yield loss (RYL) and water productivity between baseline and future scenarios, under optimal and limited water supply, were estimated for two important Mediterranean crops: winter wheat and tomato. In general, a decrease of CWR and NIR for both crops and for all simulated irrigation scenarios is expected due to shorter growing season. Therefore, the air temperature increase could have a dominant role in shortening the growing season rather than increasing CWR. [...]
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