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Comparison between real-time Scorpion PCR and traditional methods for the detection and quantification of Verticillium dahliae in soils and infected olive trees

Barham, Hazar

Tesi Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo <Bari> 2003


A technique based on the real-time Scorpion polymerase chain reaction for the detection of Verticillium dahliae in soil and xylem of infected olive trees was developed. Two specific primer pairs (Ver2 -Ver3 and Vd7b-Vd10), previously designed by comparing sequences from the ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer of V. dahliae and related species, were used. A nested-PCR protocol was applied to detect the pathogen by using Ver2-Ver3 in the first step and Vd7B-Vd10 in the second step. Primers specifity and detection limit were assessed by using genomic DNA from V. dahliae isolates and other species of the same genera. Specific Scorpion-PCR amplification, using modified Vd7b primer (Vd7b-FAM), was successful in detecting V. dahliae from soil and infected olive wood. The reliability of the entire procedure was assessed using both artificially and naturally infested soils and woody materials. [...]
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Inventory 5884
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Inventory IAM 852
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Notes Inventario gia' esistente: 5884